Warning Hazardous Foods – Chillies


Sometimes foods have warnings on them, and all foods have best before dates on them.

Some foods are quite simply not good for you. Now I’m not going to go on about junk food here as there is an upside to that is it tastes bloody lovely.

Super-hot Chillies however can’t really be described as delicious, as you don’t really have time to savour any flavour before face catches on fire. And I’m not talking about your Jalapenos (3500 to 8000 on the Scoville scale) nor am I even on about your Scotch bonnets (100,000-350,000 on the Scoville scale), which are mentally hot, but which I appreciate some people still put on food.  What I’m really talking about here is the ‘Challenge Chillies’ the type no one would eat in a regular situation. The type of chilli that says if I eat this and you don’t my dick is easily twice as long as yours.

Chillies like the Bhut Jolokia. This Chilli ranges from 855,000 to 1,463,700 on the Scoville scale.

Now this is ricockulous (That’s one up from ridiculous). This food is essentially poison. The effect that has on anyone eating it is your body fighting against it, trying to reject it with some very obvious singles, that most people call ‘pain’.  A feeling, that most of us get it tells us, no, this is bad, stop this now.

There are many you tube videos of people doing this type of chilli and looking and acting very awful indeed.

And wouldn’t you know it, I have a group of friends, who have not only seen these videos as fair warning and then tried it. They have then decided to find an even hotter chilli and eat that as well.

The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chilli (Pictured above) – 1,500,000 to 2 million on the Scoville scale. Ouch.

You judge for yourself who has/is the biggest dick

The Bhut Jolokia Challenge

The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Challenge

Be sure to visit Sudo One’s Blog as well as mine to see what he has to say as part of out WMB4X challenge. Which is a lot cooler than the one above.

About residentweebler
Short Story Writer and Opinionated observer. Visit my blog for all this and more. https://theresidentweeble.wordpress.com/

One Response to Warning Hazardous Foods – Chillies

  1. Pingback: Warning Hazardous Foods – Surstromming | The Resident Weeble

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